Putin & Xi, Preparing For Big Sanctions War

This is a video stream from The Duran, between Alex and Alexander of the Duran and Alex Kramer.

This is such an important discussion, that lays out the geopolitical history and potential future of Eurasia.

It explains the history and current geopolitics of the Western Banking system and the propensity of the Western regimes to go to war as cover for Banking system/Fiat currency failures, including the one currently in progress.

The West has effectively started to wage war on those countries that want true independence, that is being implemented within the emerging multi-polar system.

This is currently a BRICS+ group of countries project.

The Western nations are trying their best to sabotage this multi-polar project.

The sabotage initially takes the form of economic efforts; for example Western sanctions upon countries that are interested in joining the multi-polar project. This includes trade wars.

It also has a cultural/political dimension. The West claims that only their form of governments are acceptable, claiming to want to spread democracy. Only, as the ancient Greeks knew and warned about, democracy tends to degenerate into a fascist type of system, where the government and oligarchs are in control, with voting being a facade to placate the masses.

The Western nations do not have a true democracy, but strong propaganda is used to make their people believe it is. It doesn’t take much thought to uncover the truth, but people are actively discouraged from doing this.

The final play is a kinetic war. From local through to multi-geographical. We have just entered that stage with the NATO proxy war in Ukraine, initiated in 2014, to the ramping up of tensions with China; for example, the Taiwan situation.

Rather than join the new system, the Western nations describe competitors as enemies. Especially when losing in a competitive environment. That may seem childish, as in playing a team game and physically beating-up the opposing team just because they are winning, or to put it another way, being more successful, but that is what is happening!

We live in interesting times.

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