This article is after a forensic review of the audio from the last Oral Argument of the Supreme Court Of the United States (SCOTUS). This seems to indicate that Justice Ruth Ginsburg’s contribution was inserted at a later date, that is, this is not a true record of the proceedings. If true, that’s a big deal.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) has been very ill, and is reported to be recovering well. The problem is, she has not been seen since she was first taken to hospital. The Mainstream Media have shown photographs of her, supposedly very recent, but every one has been shown to be from previous years.

This has led to accusations of a cover up, that RBG is in fact incapacitated. If this turns out to be true, then this is another establishment scandal. It would also mean that the Justices were in on it, as they must have been aware of her physical absence.

I get the feeling this whole situation has ‘legs’ and as it is now being investigated, by Citizen Journalists, we should get to the truth, one way or the other.

Neon Revolt – BREAKING: #SCOTUS’ Big Secret! #RBG #NewQ #QAnon #GreatAwakening #NEONREVOLT

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