The “New Energy Economy”: An Exercise In Magical Thinking

There are a few key truths that the ‘renewable energy’ sector never own up to.

One is that every windmill or solar farm generating electricity requires a matching reliable backup generation capability, and all it’s inherent costs.

This because their output is intermittent, which at any level above a small amount, destabilises the Electricity Grid, so needs to be compensated for with a reliable generator. Also because when the wind doesn’t blow or the sun doesn’t shine, they need to be replaced 100%, and all stages in between.

This requires two sets of capital expenditures, not just one. Plus, the backup generation is held ready at all times, needing to be able to instantaneously rescue the Renewables, which is hugely inefficient in itself. The Renewable Generator companies are never held responsible for that, they ignore that inherent cost with their technology.

Electricity suppliers should only be paid for reliable and consistent supply, however they need maintain that. If that was the case, Renewable energy would become significant more expensive. Why? Because its true cost of ownership would be revealed, it would have to pay for backup generation within its price. Renewables would disappear from the energy generation sector!

There are many more equally valid reasons why Renewable Energy is not fit for purpose. This article lays it all out, factually.

Given this is true, why do Governments push this horrendously inefficient solution, that is not even tenable? Follow the money? Ideology? Whatever it is, we are all being robbed blind and moving to an energy future that will not support our civilisation.

Manhattan Institute – The “New Energy Economy”: An Exercise in Magical Thinking

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