Swallowing The ‘Green’ Manifesto Leaves A Nasty Taste In Ireland

At last, some long overdue sense from one of the Mainstream Media.

This article uses a Sunday Times piece to highlight the unquestioning subservience to the Green lobby.

This is true for all countries within Europe and North America.

The latest empirical science shows the natural recent warming period is over. That coincided with a Solar grand maximum, with the usual temperature lag, just like we witness every year with the seasons.

Solar scientists have predicted we are entering a Solar grand minimum. So far their predictions have proven true. Thus the temperature lag from the Solar grand maximum is spent, as we are now witnessing a cooling.

That is now becoming obvious within the weather. Snow and cold records abound. Almost completely ignored by the Mainstream Media.

It’s truly amazing this scam is able to be maintained. Without the Mainstream Media adhering to the ‘Climate Change’ global warming narrative, it could not be. The facts would scupper it.

We are wasting vast amounts of money we cannot afford. This is truly evil.

I recommend the comments at the end of the article, which are also instructive.


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